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Nov 13, First blog post

This week I asked 3 of my friends that currently play another moba named DoTA 2 to try out a game they have never/rarely tried. The game I am having them try is League of Legends. League of Legends is the top played video game worldwide with more than 4.5 million peak concurrent players. The way league of legends works is a 5v5 match between players that control characters with 4 or more abilities. These abilities level up during the game and the way you level them up are by killing minions. These minions are non player controlled and spawn in three lanes and the jungle. The three lanes are knows as bottom, middle, and top. Bottom consists mainly of two types of characters, A carry and a support. The carry's main objective of the game is to get as strong as they can so the other teammates can support them. Once the carry gets strong enough whichever team has the stronger carry will most likely end up winning the game. The next role is Jungle, the junglers main priority is to make sure the enemy jungle doesn't gank his teammates and finds the right time to gank him teammates. Ganking is basically flanking the enemy when they least expect it so they have no chance of escape. The middle lane consists of a carry, but mainly focuses on using their spells instead of normal attacks. Top lane consists of mainly tanky brawler type characters that soak up damage for their carries. I will be getting into more depth as the week advances and I hope to see you back on my blog next week as I take a look at what my 3 friends think about this game.

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